The vision of the National Council on School Facilities is a United States of America in which all public K–12 students and communities have access to high-quality school facilities that support student learning, effective teaching, and efficient operations and administration.
The mission of the National Council on School Facilities is to support states in their varied roles and responsibilities and to advocate for support mechanisms and processes that equitably deliver safe, healthy, and educationally appropriate public school facilities that are sustainable and fiscally sound.
The National Council on School Facilities is proud to be a partner with the 21st Century School Fund and the International WELL Building Institute in producing this important national report.
The Challenges for States
Public schools are the second largest sector of America’s infrastructure, after roads and highways. Local districts and states invested an average of $49 billion a year in public school building projects from fiscal years 1994-2013. But that’s $38 billion a year less than they need. The investment gap impacts education, health, safety, security, learning, and the environment.
The Opportunities
States, working together can ensure today’s children and youth, and the generations to come, have the public school facility infrastructure they need. The vast majority of Americans support investing more in public infrastructure. States are increasing their leadership roles in funding facilities and assisting districts with standards for quality and equity.